Thursday 5 April 2012



Ramai antara kita yang meletakkan Open Relationshipsebagai status di facebook tapi berapa ramai yang tahu maksud sebenar status itu? 

An open relationship is an interpersonal relationship in which the parties want to be together but agree to a form of a non-monogamous relationship. This means that they agree that a romantic or sexual relationship with another person is accepted, permitted, or tolerated. Every open relationship is different because what exactly the relationship entails is defined by the wishes and desires of the parties involved. Some may only allow flirting, whereas others may permit dates, kissing, or sexual acts. By combining most common definitions, the overarching theme is that an open relationship is when the parties involved have two or more romantic or sexual relationships occurring at the same time either as a short term, such as dating, or long term, such as open marriage. Because of an open relationship’s structure, it is flexible enough to allow constant change. With this in mind, the relationship between one and his/her partner is always being renegotiated so that the relationship may grow. 
Dipetik daripada Wikipedia…

Bila kita buat ringkasan karangan masa sekolah dulu-dulu ianya jadi begini : 

An open relationship is a relationship in which the people involved agree that they want to be together, but in which romantic or sexual relationships with additional people are accepted, permitted or tolerated. 

yang bermaksud 

Open Relationship ialah sebuah hubungan di mana mereka yang terlibat setuju yang mereka mahu bersama, tapi di mana hubungan romantis dan seksual dengan kehadiran orang lain diterima, dibenarkan dan ditoleransi. 

Maka dalam erti kata lain, orang yang meletakkan Open Relationship sebagai status mereka tidak kisah melakukan hubungan seksual dengan sesiapa pun, maka amat menyedihkan apabila umat Islam sendiri menggunakan status ini... Maaf kalau saya salah pemahaman.

Sila sebarkan agar orang bukan Islam yang faham maksud sebalik Open Relationship tidak memandang remeh pada umat Islam. 


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